媒体安全 & 团结基金

mea的一项倡议,旨在帮助亚太地区的记者和媒体人员渡过紧急时期, 战争与困苦.

A 新萄京娱乐 initiative established in 2005, 的 媒体安全 & 团结基金得到澳大利亚记者和媒体人员的捐款支持,以协助亚太地区的同事度过紧急时期, 战争与困苦.

In past years, MSSF has helped fund 的 education of 的 children of slain journalists – in Fiji, Nepal and 的 Philippines – including 的 journalists murdered in 的 2009年安帕图恩大屠杀 (见上图). msf还支持该地区的新闻自由运动和活动,包括记者安全培训和人权倡导. 最近, MSSF has provided assistance to journalists fleeing Afghanistan and Myanmar. msf仍然是全球记者间区域间支持与合作的少数例子之一. 请使用上面的“捐赠”按钮,通过捐款来支持基金的工作.

  • 传媒安全 & 团结基金 trustees direct 的 国际铁deration of Journalists 亚太地区 to implement projects to be funded by 的 MSSF. The fund’s trustees are 新萄京娱乐 媒体 federal councillors Kathy McLeish, 玛丽莎Wikramanayake, Kasun Ubayasiri, Aarti Betigeri, and Stefan Armbruster; and Brent Edwards representing 新西兰’s journalists’ union, 的 E tū, which also supports 的 fund.

    由于企业讨价还价协议谈判的结果,新萄京娱乐成员对该基金作出了重要贡献-成员将他们在新协议中赢得的最初加薪贡献给他们. 还有其他主要的筹款活动:澳大利亚新闻自由协会晚宴, auctions and raffles; and 的 gala presentation dinner for 的 annual Walkley Awards for Excellence in Journalism. In 2014 and again in 2015, Japan’s public broadcasting union Nipporo also made contributions to 的 fund.

  • 在过去的12个月中, msf向逃离阿富汗并一直在等待前往其他国家的难民签证的一些记者提供了紧急援助. The fund also assisted a number of Ukrainian journalists awaiting visas.

    接下来的一年, msf正在与国际记者联合会合作,支持缅甸记者网络在泰国建立一个“流亡安全办公室”. The office will be a hub for campaign, advocacy and coordination activities, to support journalists and media workers both inside Myanmar and in exile.

  • Gaza Journalists Appeal

    An appeal co-ordinated by 的 MSSF has raised more than $15,000 for members of 的 Palestinian Journalists Syndicate. 这一呼吁是在2024年2月发起的,目的是为受到以色列轰炸和入侵影响的记者及其家人筹集食品和卫生用品,这些袭击是为了报复10月7日哈马斯的袭击. 在这场冲突的头四个月里,死亡的记者比整个10年的越南战争还要多. Local journalists in Gaza continue to risk 的ir lives at 的 frontlines of 的 story. Yet like much of 的 civilian population, 的y are battling starvation, 缺少住所, and shortages of food and water. Many journalists are living under canvas, shifting from tent to tent as 的 conflict engulfs more of Gaza, while o的rs sleep in school buildings with thousands of o的r displaced people. They lack protective gear, 有时无法给手机或笔记本电脑充电或更换损坏的设备. Every cent donated will be distributed through 的 Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, 的 official affiliate of 的 IFJ, 为加沙的记者提供物质支持,使他们能够继续工作.

    Support for Afghan journalists

    In 2022, msf帮助在塔利班掌权后被迫躲藏或逃离阿富汗的阿富汗女记者. In conjunction with Network of Women in 媒体, India and Associated Press (AP), 一个名为 Journalists for Afghanistan, raised money by selling prints of AP photographers’ images of Afghanistan. MSSF distributed funds to 43 Afghan women journalists in Afghanistan, and Pakistan and Turkey where some had fled to safety.

    MSSF还帮助了一位普利策奖获奖摄影师,他逃离阿富汗,在新西兰持临时危机访问签证,无法工作. 在他等待移居美国的申请得到处理期间,MSSF为他提供了两个月的房租.

    图片:阿富汗儿童欣赏俯瞰喀布尔的景色。普利策奖得主Anja Niedringhaus于4月4日在阿富汗丧生, 2014. Credit: AP and Journalists for Afghanistan fundraiser

    Assistance to Ukrainian journalists

    In 2022, MSSF支持了两名乌克兰记者,他们在俄罗斯入侵他们的国家后需要短期援助才能在澳大利亚立足.

    Support to TV journalists sacked in PNG

    同样在2022年, mea通过msf向巴布亚新几内亚EMTV的25名电视记者提供了财政和其他援助. 2月25日, 2022, 新萄京娱乐的国家媒体委员会谴责解雇那些为支持同事而罢工的记者, amid allegations EMTV had engaged in intimidation and political interference. The committee resolved: “新萄京娱乐 stands in solidarity with 的 journalists.“新萄京娱乐呼吁EMTV执行管理层恢复记者的全薪,并保证EMTV的编辑独立性.

    受影响的工作人员向msf寻求财政支持,以根据巴新宪法中有关媒体自由和言论自由的部分以及根据 1978年就业法 (Division 4A Written Contracts) and Employer clause (Breach of Contract). 3月25日, 2022, MSSF agreed to make payments to support 的 affected staff, and to assist with legal fees.

    Afghan Photojournalist

    5月12日, 2022, msf同意资助一名获得普利策奖的阿富汗摄影师/记者居住在惠灵顿, 新西兰, pending 的 outcome of his application for a Green Card to work in 的 US. 这位摄影师于2022年逃离阿富汗,持危机访问签证来到新西兰,这意味着他无法工作. 在等待美国人处理他的案件期间,他在短期内为住房和医疗费用寻求有限的经济援助. MSSF agreed to provide assistance through E tū, 的 新西兰 journalists’ union, which would also provide o的r forms of support for 的 photojournalist.

    Burmese journalists in exile in Thailand

    Since 的 military coup in Myanmar in February 2021, independent journalism 的re has been forced underground. Journalists have been beaten and shot, at least 85 have been arrested, more than 40 detained and several jailed for up to three years. Independent media outlets have been stripped of 的ir licences to operate, and dozens of warrants have been issued for 的 arrest of o的r journalists.
    Burmese journalists are in hiding not only in Myanmar but elsewhere in 的 region, seeking safety from persecution and violence. 然而, 泰国刚刚判处三名缅甸记者七个月监禁,并对他们入境进行罚款.
    Despite all 的se risks, 缅甸记者勇敢地继续在缅甸或泰国的地下工作,以确保军政府的罪行被揭露给世界其他地方.
    The 媒体, Entertainment & 艺术联盟 is working with 的 Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand 为在泰缅边境工作的流亡缅甸记者提供紧急财政支持. Please help with a small donation through 的 媒体安全 & 团结基金.

    Nepal children’s summer camp

    尼泊尔儿童教育基金的年度亮点是为期三天的夏令营. 关于 30 children are assisted through 的 program, 该组织成立于2010年,旨在帮助自2005年开始向民主过渡以来遇害记者的子女. 到目前为止, this financial support has been $181,472(包括支付给国际记者联合会的管理费).


    Trauma and journalism training course in Nepal

    trauma-e1459397626546-414x2652015年4月和5月,尼泊尔遭受了严重的破坏性地震,造成6000人死亡. The media in Nepal was forced to work in make-shift shelters. Through MSSF financial support given to 的 Federation of Nepali Journalists (FNJ), 为期三天的, 举办创伤和新闻讲习班是为了使记者在自然灾害期间和之后更好地进行报道. 阅读全文 on 的 IFJ 亚太地区 website.

  • 媒体安全 & 团结基金, 2022-23 financial accounts


    余额截至七月一日 86,609 68,698
    Funds raised during 的 year 46,959 159,926
    Payments made during 的 year (23,533) (142,015)
    余额截至六月三十日 110,035 86,609

  • You can make a secure online donation to 的 媒体安全 & 团结基金 through PayPal:

    Or you can make an electronic bank transfer to this account:

    帐户名称: 新萄京娱乐捐款
    后街男孩: 082-080
    账户号码: 813138058

    Make sure to refer to MSSF in your transfer.

Journalism is a dangerous job.

Support 的 MSSF and you are supporting press freedom